Hey, I haven’t watched it yet, but a documentary was made about some of the Disney issues called “Walt’s Disenchanted Kingdom”, some preview here:
PJ Media talks about the film here https://pjmedia.com/culture/lincolnbrown/2023/02/20/youtube-age-restricts-catholic-disney-documentary-n1672134
Edit: Here is a youtube link to the actual film (I watched it, it’s a little slow but worth watching and covers similar territory to this article):
Donald Trump has been criticizing Ron DeSantis on his fight with Disney:
18 April 2023: “DeSanctus is being absolutely destroyed by Disney. …”
Donald Trump wouldn’t be concerned about the 20 million donated to his 2020 super PAC, would he?
About 10 million from a formal CEO of marvel?
Hey, Trump is not alone, Chris Christie also took the Groomer Disney’s side:
“I don’t think Ron DeSantis is a conservative based on his actions towards Disney,”
LOL, AGAINST DISNEY IS THE CONSERVATIVE SIDE! What does saying that tell you about Chris Christie?
Mike Pence also showed some contra-conservative leaning colors as Bloomberg indicated on 22 February 2023 “Vice President Mike Pence criticized Ron DeSantis, a potential 2024 Republican presidential rival, saying the Florida governor went too far in his fight with Walt Disney”
Trump, Christie, and Pence all on the same side against DeSantis? Say it ain’t so! Trump blending in with Pence and Christie would break the Trump world narrative that DeSantis is some kind of hard establishment candidate.
There are issues with Disney’s over favored business status. We try to avoid monopolies to avoid giving one company too much power don’t we? We also have a major issue with Disney intentionally injecting a sexual curriculum targeting children.
On taking the side of Groomer Disney I think Trump is on the wrong side of this.
I’m not the only one thinking this way. In 2022 Andrea Widburg wrote in American Thinker “So Disney has just become the standard-bearer for grooming grade-schoolers and encouraging the surgical and chemical mutilation of children.” https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/03/its_time_to_stop_viewing_disney_as_a_familyfriendly_company.html
Have a look at the fight we have had with Disney (not totally in chronological order):
Let me start out of order with this 2022 National Review quote “an executive producer at Disney said she was advancing a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” to insert queerness into children’s animation”
I could stop here. Disney has a child grooming agenda. It should be over for Disney with parents who do not want sexualization to immature hormonal children, let alone sexualization that contradicts biological design. However, let’s just get some kind of timeline of how this Disney issue has developed:
Townhall 2019
In regards to Disney //it's vitally important for conservative Christians to resist and debate the arrogant ways the radical left is seeking to remake the world to match its own vision of "diversity and inclusion" by banning diversity and inclusion//
The Right Scoop 2020
“Disney channel has created a new bisexual lead character in a children’s cartoon that continues their push of the homosexual agenda on children”
Liberty Daily 2021
“The popular actor (Emilio Estevez) got canned by Disney for not getting jabbed.”
Conservative News Daily 2021
“In response to Carano’s firing, critics noted how Disney rehired a director that had been fired over disturbing sexually explicit tweets”
Liberty Daily 2021
Marvel’s Loki “has come out as gender fluid and is now proclaimed to be bisexual.”
“why the messaging behind his proclamation in episode three of the series is such a strong move by Disney towards advancing the Cultural Marxism”
Bill O’Reilly in 2021
“In my opinion . . . the Disney Corporation is the most destructive major company in existence — destructive to America. Let me repeat, Disney Corporation — the most destructive company to America.”
Christopher Rufo 2021
//Disney has now committed to becoming the “wokest place on Earth”//
Breibart 2021
//The Walt Disney Co. is reportedly promoting critical race theory to its employees, encouraging them to reject equality and strive for “equity,” which company literature defines as “equality of outcome.”//
//claims that certain values such as “competition,” “individualism,” “timeliness,” and “comprehensiveness” help to “perpetuate white supremacy culture.”//
Western Journal March 2021
“specifically mentioning Gina Carano — asked Chapek if Disney had a “black list” and if the company had targeted Carano for her conservative beliefs”
“its hiring of Colin Kaepernick and Jemele Hill … Both Kaepernick and Hill hold views on American policing and the supposed existence of “systemic racism”
Western Journal notes that ““Equity” is a left-wing aim and the exact opposite of the right’s goal to produce “equality of opportunity,” which inevitably leads to inequity.”
Breibart 2021
Disney and China
“But when it comes to China and its human rights atrocities, the Magic Kingdom sides with the Middle Kingdom every time.”
Townhall 2022
“In 1967, when the Florida legislature gave The Walt Disney Company a special district, it did so to help Disney create a family friendly entertainment mecca. … Not so any more. Over the last several years, and loudly now, Disney has become embarrassingly woke; it has rejected its historic brand and has lost its essential identity (and increasingly its audience). It appears to be on a financial suicide mission, going broke to be woke.”
Liberty Daily 2022
//Jack Posobiec was suspended on Twitter for posting an image of a t-shirt depicting Disney’s logo but replacing their name with the words, “Boycott Groomers.”//
Washington Examiner 2022
“Disney’s " Reimagine Tomorrow " program commits to a minimum of 50% of characters to be LGBTQIA and racial minorities. Similarly, Disney production coordinator Allen March says his team is committed to "exploring queer stories" and has created a "tracker" to make sure they are creating enough "gender-nonconforming characters," "canonical trans characters," and "canonical bisexual characters."”
Western Journal 2022
“this 2022 version features actress Cynthia Erivo, … who also identifies as queer”
Carlo Collodi apparently originally described the Blue Fairy as “blue hair and face as white as a porcelain doll” according to
You see blonde hair on an old picture (not right either) and then bald in the new … the left is more a pink/red complexion so neither is really “white as a porcelain doll”
This does show that Disney has been transforming itself from what it classically has been.
Christopher Rufo 2022
“Disney corporate president Karey Burke says, "as the mother [of] one transgender child and one pansexual child," she supports having "many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories" and wants a minimum of 50 percent of characters to be LGBTQIA and racial minorities.”
“Disney diversity and inclusion manager Vivian Ware says the company has eliminated all mentions of "ladies," "gentlemen," "boys," and "girls" in its theme parks in order to create "that magical moment" for children who do not identify with traditional gender roles.”
“promotes the transgender flag and the idea that men can have periods to children as young as two years old”
PJ Media 2022
“hundreds of employees have been arrested for child sex crimes throughout the years, and the company has done everything possible to sweep that under the rug to protect its brand”
WFLA News 2022
“4 Disney employees arrested in Polk County human trafficking campaign, deputies say”
Liberty Daily 2022:
“Disney has a penchant for hiring creeps, groomers, and rapists.”
Liberty Daily:
“I’ve opposed Disney and kept my kids away from the Neo-Marxist company for a long time.”
“Disney’s leadership is doing everything they can to push the LGBTQIA+ … onto the youngest and most impressionable among us.”
from https://thelibertydaily.com/yes-we-are-at-war-with-disney/
Cernovich in 2022
“I used to think Sodom and Gomorrah was a metaphor. This Disney stuff suggests not. Remember how that story ends.”
Western Journal 2022
Remember “Lightyear” where it was “featuring a lesbian kiss in the film … Fourteen foreign markets had already banned the picture”
In fact “Actor Chris Evans, now voicing main character Buzz Lightyear, has called parents who objected to having someone else’s sexual morality shoved into their child’s face “idiots” and “dinosaurs.””
Members of Congress to Disney 2023
“human rights groups from around the world condemned Disney for its decision to film a live-action remake of Mulan in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR), the center of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) ongoing genocide against Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslim groups.”
Washington Examiner 2023
“the Disney-controlled government granted … Disney, under this agreement, can, for the next 10 years, also set the utility pricing for all of its competitors and all other businesses that own land …”
Western Journal 2023
“Many viewers were left shocked and somewhat disturbed … The ... problem is that Mandy is a feminist who doesn’t believe in “heteronormative” relationships”
Washington Examiner 2023
//Walt Disney Company is a partner of the organization, along with Apple, Bank of America, Pfizer, Visa, the State Department, and the Central Intelligence Agency, among others.
The organization bills the conference as the "largest LGBTQ+ conference in the world," //
National Review 2023
“Disney Land in California announced that it will hold its “first-ever Pride Nite” in mid-June”
They announced it on twitter:
Washington Examiner 2023
“The last bit of the company’s spine was removed in 1999 when Disney made a play to regain access to the Chinese market after the perpetually offended Chinese Communist Party threw a tantrum over the Martin Scorsese film Kundun, which was sympathetic to the Dalai Lama. Disney bribed its way back in by promising a Disney Park in China. … Since then, Disney’s focus on “inclusion” has been limited to anything that would keep it included in the Chinese market. “
PJ Media 2023
“The state of Florida has done the right thing in taking proper responsibility and divesting Disney of its self-governing status. It was long overdue.”
I think Ron DeSantis has the moral high ground here. Trump, Pence, and Christie have taken the wrong side of this fight, in my opinion. Thank you for reading.
Jos 24:15 “… but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
May 28 Trump changes his position to the RIGHT side: